Marianne looking charming and ready for travel.
Here you have two people who always make me laugh. Marianne Willburn and Scott Beuelein can be serious about gardening but both enjoy the vagaries and challenges and FUN that it provides. Plus, they are excellent writers who make me think and who amuse me, not always in that order.
Below are the various things we covered in our podcast conversation that you need to link to… (Where you not only get these two, but LOTS of other great writing.)
~The Dear Gardener Series on
~CAST, or the California Spring Trials. The trip that you and I probably won’t go on because we aren’t pros. But in order to be envious, you need to be informed, right? I mean, how would I ever be bitter that there are women older than I who look better in a bathing suit now than I did at 40 if it were not for being made aware of these things?
Right on the home page of the website it made clear: We who are not in the business gardeners are not worthy, basically.
Yeah, she could be my mother, and I can’t even wear sleeveless shirts anymore. But I needed to have this thrown in my face to feel bad about it.
We all must stay informed!
The CAST trip. Do they look smug? Should they be smug? I’m thinking yes on both.
What else did we talk about (as I snap out of my old lady arms pity party…) ?
~Scott’s roundup of CAST on GardenRant
~Marianne’ roundup of CAST on GardenRant
~Ah yes, there is a new contributor on GardenRant and his name is Ben Probert and Ben has a good Instagram feed: @bensbotanics
~Andrea Gasper and the potential travel biz— I am going to link you to Marianne’s website because you are SO IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR of this amazing but nascent enterprise that there is no web site for it yet. However, if you subscribe to Marianne’s newsletter at the bottom of her home page on her website, you will stay informed. And I just did, because I want to be a part of these travels if at all possible.
HOWEVER, Andrea Gasper is already well known as the creator of the Digging In Gathering— a conference where container gardeners can go to learn.
~Andrea’s business website is Contained Gardens in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
~The illustrious list of speakers at said event.
Artist Karen Blair
You heard me mention my friend Karen Blair on the pod. Karen is a local Charlottesville artist who sponsors Into the Garden with Leslie
Have a look at what Karen can do— she worked with one of my listeners, Anne Brooks Rudzki, of Capital Roots Containers, and created this beautiful commission of Anne Brook’s garden.
The Play List
As you heard, I didn’t really bring up anything outside of my garden in this episode, so here below are some photos that illustrate what I am doing to leave some nice beds with not many lacunae for the next owners.
Top row, l-r: Crowded Cleome that could be good to spread; Lobelia siphlitica just came from the stream to fill in where some irises failed; some pathetic lime green coleus should help the look where herbs have let me down.
Middle row, l-r: I forgot about these cute cloches to discourage those awful rabbits; should this little sedum invade the path, or should it be edited?; and the purple circles are tiny celosias to grow where Monarda mysteriously did not.
Bottom row, l-r: Should I leave these Rose Campion in the path or edit?; this Bronze fennel from a container that wasn’t thriving) should fill the gap where bunnies have destroyed the globe thistle; and how about this lemon thyme— leave or tame?
Coffee Time!
Please consider supporting Into the Garden with Leslie by buying me a cup of coffee.
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Next Episode:
Jennifer McDonald of Garden Girls
A burgeoning garden and design business in Houston.