Into the Garden Week 4

Plant of the Week

I’m sorry (not sorry) to say I fell off the native plant wagon with my Edgeworthia chrysantha, the Chinese paperbush plant. This guy is known for his winter flowers, fragrant clusters of lemon-yellow and white umbrils. Join me and brighten your home with fresh Edgeworthia cuttings—it’ll be our little secret. 


This week, Richmond-based botanical artist Anne Blackwell Thompson joined me on the pod. There’s more than meets the eye when it comes to botanical art. Anne describes her car as a “botanical crime scene,” complete with ladders, machetes, and scalpels. Anne’s art is a labor of love. Some pieces are composed of over 300 parts, and plant material can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 9 months to dry properly. When collecting specimens, she focuses on the shapes and curves of a single leaf or flower, selecting only the very best. As Anne says, Mother Nature drives the bus and we’re just along for the ride.


Temperatures are on the rise and it’s time to get you into the garden.

●  Before putting them outside for the night, acclimate your potted plants with several sun/air baths.

●  Remove your annual winter weeds, like dead nettle, yellow rocket, chickweed, and hoary bittercress. I know they’re cute, but remember: off with their heads!

●  Prune anything and everything. If it doesn’t make you happy—cut it out!  

To Listen

●  Margaret Roach’s A Way To Garden

●  BBC’s Gardeners’ Question Time

Up Next

Join me for my talk with Historic Garden Chairwomen Michele Hayes Silver and Robin Cherry.